Thankfulness every day!

In this society we are surrounded by wanting to have the biggest, the best, the newest, the fastest, and even when we have those things they are never enough. Yes, there are material items that I appreciate, but knowing that my true happiness does not come from ‘things’ is a good thing. 
Remembering and listing what I am thankful for is a habit I was in on and off over the years.  Yesterdays challenge from Elf 4 Health was to list 20 things to be thankful for. 
Most of these things I find myself taking for granted more often than I would like to admit.  I hope that this inspires you to also think of what you are most thankful for!

Here is my list 🙂 After #1-3 there is no real order to them.
1. My salvation, mercy and grace from God.
2. My husband and family
3. Good friends, near and far!
4. Clean water- from my experience on trips around the world I know that this is a luxury that we should NEVER take for granted.
5. Fresh food that adds to a healthy lifestyle
6. Other people who I have met through Elf 4 Health and other blogs who offer advice about health and share the same passion of health that I do.
7. A job that brings me joy and a steady paycheck as well.
8. A church family
9. Mercy– without this program I may not be alive today.
10. The ability to learn and the persistence I had to finish graduate school.
11. A home that is warm in the winter, and cool in the summer
12. Sunshine!
13. The ability to run, lift weights, participate in workout classes.
14. Airplanes and cars so I can travel to see those friends and family who do not live close by.
15. Music- Brings inspiration to my life, and has been a large part in my healing
16. Necessities that people in other parts of the world, and even this country don’t have (washer/dryer, dishwasher, fridge, computers, internet, email,
17. Books. I love reading and learning.
18. The doctors who saved my life from cancer and natural remedies I can use to keep me healthy.
19. Sleep and a comfy bed to sleep in.
20. That I am alive and I can make a difference in someones life!

There are so many other things, people and memories I am thankful for.  What a blessing to have so much to be thankful for.
So here is my reminder to: BE THANKFUL EVERYDAY!!!!
